The question that has been wondered since the beginning of humanity is where we will go when we die.Although what happens after death remains a mystery, many people throughout human history have sought a solution to immortality.As far as I know, it has not been found yet :) What if we are investigating immortality only as preventing the death of the body and we are wrong about this ?

     I heard that Russian scientists have recently conducted studies on consciousness cloning.
So what can happen if a person's consciousness is clone? Certainly the cornerstone of what makes a person human is conscioousness.Yes, you heard it right, if a person's consciousness can be successfully transferred to a cloud environment, it means that a solution to immortality has been found.


    From this point on, you can keep consciousness alive by creating any virtual simulation environment in a cloud environment.If one day scientists manage to transfer consciousness to a cloud environment, before you die you can be asked what kind of place you would like to live in forever and a virtual environment can be created about it.



    A TV series episode has already been shot about this. I definitely recommend you watch it to understand what I mean. San Junipero, the 3rd season 4th episode of the Black Mirror series. I have been doing research and work on VR for a while. I wanted to evaluate the Oculust Quest virtual reality glasses available in my company.I wanted to experience the wonderful shoes we produce and sell in a virtual environment.It was a great feeling to feel the shoe in my hand, examine it and show it to my other friends. You can watch what I developed with VR in the video below. By the way, you can check the original shoe I digitized  here. Let me know if it is similar or not .



    The future is very exciting. And incredible technologies await us. Everything that is science fiction today will actually appear as our future. See you later ..