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PDF text extract
PYTHON / / 4 min read

How can I extract Text from PDF files ?

Maybe everyone has needed something like this in the past. You may be looking for a relevant key text in a PDF file. Or maybe you have a PDF file that is many pages long and you just want to get the texts.Today I will tell you how to do this with a simple bot in Python. Moreover, it is not more than 5 lines of code.Let's get started....

Newton's law of gravity algorithm
UNITY / / 9 min read

The earth is round. Then why do we not fall into the universe?

Today, my eye caught an article on the Quora website. People are seriously discussing and wondering about this. As you can see in the Article Title, "The world is round. So why don't we fall into the universe?" Today, I will explain and show you the algorithm of Newton's law of universal gravitation in practice....

Virtual Reality Shoes
VIRTUAL REALITY / / 4 min read

Could virtual reality be the solution to immortality ?

The question that has been wondered since the beginning of humanity is where we will go when we die.Although what happens after death remains a mystery, many people throughout human history have sought a solution to immortality.As far as I know, it has not been found yet :) What if we are investigating immortality only as preventing the death of the body and we are wrong about this ?...